Pharmex is a great Pharma event which is trying to gather industry’s key players from all around the world under one roof, in order to provide business opportunities for active players of the industry more than ever and also help the domestic companies to grow.

This international event is held annually by Iran’s API & Pharmaceutical Packaging Syndicate in association with Iran’s Food & Drug Administration and in its 4th year has drawn the attention of active companies and investors to itself.

Pharmex Middle East 2022 as the only official pharmaceutical event in nation’s schedule will be held on October 23 – 26 Aug, 2022, at Iran Mall International Expo Center, Tehran.

More than a simple exhibition

Pharmex is going to be the most specialized and efficient pharmaceutical event of the year, due to holding more than 50 workshops and showcases, careful planning of B2B sessions, providing contract rooms and also great Pharmex Awards.

Important programmes of Pharmex Middle East 2022

Special meeting between Iran and China trade boards about countries’ 25years cooperation program

Special workshops

Pharmex Awards

Special expo tours

Publishing special editions and event book

Publishing investment opportunities

Specialized meetings with economic and supporting institutions

Visits by the people in charge of its sector

Presenting the latest industrial and scientific achievements

Introducing the approaches to support small and midsize businesses

small and midsize businesses

Pharmex Middle East, an Industrial B2B Exhibition

B2B marketing is one of the most profitable marketing methods in trade world. This may seem less recognized by normal customers and users, but a large amount of trades are being done through this way.

One of the most advantages of B2B business is the large traded volume and this is true for a B2B exhibition as well. Because your customers in this exhibition are not only the finished product customer, but also have a business experience, they are also your services and other products customer and by attending this event you are able to gather a complete database from your customers.

Due to the assessments done by the Pharmex Middle East organizer, during the B2B sessions from the second round of this event, about 110 million Dollar was the value of contracts that were signed.

Iran’s API & Pharmaceutical Packaging Syndicate as the most specialized national pharmaceutical syndicate, for recently signed 25year cooperation between Iran and China and based on one of the clauses of this agreement, joint developing cooperation context investment and transferring technical knowledge in pharmaceutical sector is considered. Because of the ability of China in manufacturing and supplying intermediates and APIs globally, Iranian syndicate tends to holding joint especial events in specific period of time and Pharmex 2021, as the most specialized pharmaceutical event in Iran, by inviting Iranian and Chinese boards imply to transfer knowledge and developing pharmaceutical technology by a joint event.

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